My “Future Projects” Planning Page

 Welcome to “My Future Projects Planning Page.” This is a new page that I added to my website for 2025, where I will provide you some insight to any future projects (Balsa RC model, or Stained Glass) that I might have in the planning stage. If anyone has some suggestions, recommendations, or questions about a project, please feel free to contact me @: Future Project Input.

NOTE - You can view all images using a “Spotlight Box” by simply clicking on any image.

Andy Clancy's Bee Liner Scratch Build Planning

 I only have one multi-engine RC model build under my belt, and that being my “Big Double Trouble” which you can see @ Big Double Trouble. I am not wanting to tackle a major build that has four glow engines (like a B-17) and would be too large to fit in the bed of my Colorado pickup. Just something along the line of a multi-motor sport model in the 48″-62″ wingspan size range. So, after building and flying my Andy Clancy Speedy Bee, and currently working on a Clancy Stagger Bee build, I figured I would try my hand at some modifications and a scratch build of Andy Clancy's “four motor” Bee Liner shown below.

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 Source of Images: November 2017 issue of Model Airplane News.

 Designed by the father of the Lazy Bee, Andy Clancy, the Bee Liner is a multi-motor version of the classic sport flyer with a bit of 1930s retro added in for good measure. A quote from Andy Clancy - “Let me introduce you to The Bee Liner, a plane whose finest trick is just sitting stationary, taking a break. It is reclining in the air.

 You can do this stunt easily. The Bee Liner is kept so supremely airborne because it has four propellers blowing their air over its wing. Fly it along at a slow pace under power and then suddenly cut the throttle. This will cause a sudden stall. As long as those props are spinning, the air is flowing, the wing is lifting, and the Bee Liner is flying in place. The plane is creating its own breeze to fly on. Then, if you are the dramatic type, stop the props. That lift provided by the prop wash ceases instantly, so the plane falls. The onlookers gasp. (Be warned! If you performed this maneuver too close to the ground, you will end up with a new airplane “kit”!).

 Flying this plane is fun and exciting. It's a Bee, after all! The Lazy Bee series of planes was meant to be particularly versatile in the sense that they could be docile for beginners, yet capable of providing challenging stunt-flying to an expert pilot. The Bee Liner is no exception. Stalls with the Bee Liner are predictable and gentle with an immediate recovery. Response to stick and throttle is quick and powerful. If you take your hands off the controls, the Bee Liner will quickly go to straight and level from any “nightmare” attitude. Performing any maneuver requires only a small space and little time. Flying at its slowest takes a little experimenting with technique.

 It's even fun to watch. Its wide chord wing and the chubby fuselage make it easy for the eyes to follow it when it's far up and away. The nice synchronous hum of the four motors and props are amplified by the drum-like wing. You know: Oversized control surfaces, hands-off stability, extremely low minimum flying speed, and easy aerobatics.”

  • Bee Liner Model Specifications:
  • Aircraft Type: Multi-Motor Sport Flier
  • Wingspans: 51″
  • Wing Chord: 10″
  • Total Wing Area: 448 sq. in.
  • Wing Location: Low Wing
  • Wing Dihedral: 2.25″ at wingtips.
  • Stabilizer Span: 18.6″
  • Total Stab Area: 100 sq. in.
  • Rudder Height: 6.5″
  • Rudder Area: 21 sq. in.
  • Fuselage Length: 32.25″
  • Fuselage Width: 3.45″
  • Rec. No. of Channels: 4 - Throttle, Elevator, Rudder, and Ailerons.
  • Weight: 28 oz. - 46.5 oz. depending on power system selected.
  • Wing loading: 9 - 15 oz./sq. ft.
  • Glow engines: N/A.
  • Electric Powered: Output of 100 watts per brushless motor; 20A brushless ESCs; 3-cell LiPo pack sized up to 3,300 mah.

 I start my Bee Liner scratch build planning using a great set of Andy Clancy Aviation Bee Liner plans, and Andy's Bee Liner Construction Article in the November 2017 issue of Model Airplane News which you can be obtained by contacting Andy @: "Andy Clancy Designs." You will NOT find Bee Liner plans on any of the “Free Plans” websites.

 This posting is as of 17 January 2025 and I updated my “Bee Liner Build Description” which you can view and download using the link provided below. Also, the “Bee Liner Materials and Hardware List” link below contains all the materials and hardware required to build my Bee Liner. I will update this list as I proceed through my project planning.

 This scratch build will be my first four-motor RC model build, so I am really excited about what new things I will learn along the way. Using the Andy Clancy Bee Liner plans, I determine what materials I will need to make my scratch build. Once I have a complete wood and material list, any balsa sticks and sheets, basswood sticks, and plywood needed are ordered from Balsa USA ( The four Hitec HS-81 16.6g Nylon Gear Analog Micro Servos, Spektrum AR620 6-Channel RC Sport Receiver, main landing gear wheels, steerable tail wheel assembly, and all other required hardware can easily be located on the web or purchased from your local hobby shop. Based on excellent recommendations from Lucien Miller, President & CEO of Innov8tive Designs, Inc., to power this little beauty I plan to use a BadAss Power System that puts out a total of approximately 320 watts, which is equivalent to a single 0.15 two-cycle glow engine. Yes, I am building yet another electric powered model. I know that is hard to believe. This BadAss Power System is comprised of the following components: 4 - BadAss 2305-1050Kv Brushless Motors; 4 - BadAss Rebel V2 Lite Series Brushless 20A ESCs; 1 - BadAss 45C 3,300mah 3S LiPo Battery; 2 - APC 7x6E Propellers (Normal Rotation); 2 - APC 7x6E Pusher Propellers (Reverse Rotation); and 4 - M5 x 0.8mm Thread Spinner Nuts. You can purchase the system and other components needed for the wiring harnesses (see image below) from: Innov8tive Designs.

 For an RC model of this size, the BadAss BA-2305-1050 motors work well using a 3-cell LiPo battery with 7-inch props. The motors weigh 1.44 ounces each and add in the weight of the prop adapter and cross mount they come in at 1.9 ounces each, so a set of four would be 7.6 ounces. The little BadAss Rebel Lite 20-amp ESC's weigh 0.46 ounces each, so a set of four would be 1.84 ounces. The BadAss 45C 3,300mah 3S LiPo battery weighs 11.5 ounces, so the total for the battery, four motors and four ESC's is right at 21 ounces. The covered airframe with servos should come in around 24 ounces, so the estimated weight of the complete Bee Liner model should be around 45 ounces. This is at the top end of the weight range, but still very flyable with 14 oz./sq. ft. wing loading.

  • With APC 7x6-E props, the following are the full throttle performance numbers for four motors:
  • Volts: 11.1
  • Amps: 28.6
  • Watts: 320
  • RPM: 9,166
  • Thrust: 57 ounces
  • Speed: 52 MPH

 With the Bee Liner at 2.8 pounds, this results in a power loading of 114 watts per pound with a thrust to weight ratio of 1.27 to 1. This should provide very good short field takeoff power and the ability to climb straight up if wanted. Throttled back to 50% throttle, which is where I will spend most of my time in the air, the power system will only pull a total of around 8-9 amps, which should get me 15 minute flights from the 3-cell 3,300 LiPo battery with reserve left over. My resulting Bee Liner Wing Wiring Diagram can be seen in the image below.


 I want to modify the wing to use a bolt-on mount versus the rubber bands shown on the plan. I also need to build an ESCs bay in the wing center section with a hatch on the wing upper surface. So, I make the required changes to the wing structure on the Bee Liner wing plan (sheet 3 of 3). You can do this by drawing directly on the plans with pencil and ruler, or you can take the wing PDF plan sheet and generate an SGV (Scalable Vector Graphics) file which can then be modified using your favorite CAD program. I will use the latter method with my “Back To The Drawing Board” 2-CAD program ( You can see these changes in the next two images below.

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 The modifications for a bolt-on wing also drives changes to the Bee Liner fuselage structure. Additionally, by placing the ESCs in the center wing section and routing the power harness up through the top of the wing to connect to the LiPo battery in the fuselage, I need to move the elevator and rudder servos further aft in the fuselage. This requires that I make the fuselage battery hatch longer so I can easily access the servos. Using the same method as I used on the wing plan, all the required fuselage modifications were made to the fuselage plan (sheet 1 of 3). You can see my modifications in the next image below.


 If you have any questions about this build, please feel free to send me an email @: Bee Liner.

Latest Version of My Bee Liner Build Description.

Latest Version of Bee Liner Materials and Hardware List.

Bee Liner Wing Wiring Diagram.

Modified Bee Liner Wing Ribs.



Ryan's Office Window Stained Glass Panel

 My youngest son, Ryan, has an office set-up in his home, and he has asked me to assemble a Stained Glass panel to fit inside one of the "South" facing windows in his office. The first image below is his input on a recommended design.


 This posting is as of 26 January 2025. So, I started my planning for this project by taking his recommended design and generated a Stained Glass pattern using my Back To The Drawing Board” 2-CAD program. I exported the resulting drawing as a PNG file, which was then imported into Microsoft Paint to apply some colors. The results below are my first cut at an 85 piece panel pattern for his 28″ x 37″ window.

 This will be a “Lead Came” Stained Glass assembly, using Cascade 1/8″ Round H Lead Came, and framed in Cascade 9/32″ U Zinc Channel. I am currently looking at using transparent Oceanside Rough Rolled Textured Stained Glass. Samples of the glass sheets are shown below the pattern image.



 Ok, now to determine the amount of transparent Oceanside Rough Rolled Textured Stained Glass I will need for this project. From the pattern I was able to determine that all major pattern pieces can be cut from 6″ x 6″ pieces of glass. This will allow me to get four major pattern pieces from each 12″ x 12″ sheet. All smaller minor pattern pieces can also be cut from 6″ x 6″ pieces of glass, and the two lower corners from clear scrap glass. Therefore, this works out that I will need the following number of sheets for each color:

Color, Size, Item #, # of Sheets:
 Oceanside Clear Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X100RR, 6
 Oceanside Ruby Red Transparent Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X152RR, 2
 Oceanside Orange Transparent Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X171RR, 3
 Oceanside Yellow Transparent Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X161RR, 2
 Oceanside Medium Blue Transparent Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X134RR, 2
 Oceanside Light Purple Transparent Rough Rolled, 12″ x 12″, X142RR, 2

 All of these can be obtained from: Anything in Stained Glass, or Delphi, or your favorite Stained Glass supply house.

Ryan's Office Window Stained Glass Panel Pattern.

Latest Version of Ryan's Office Window Stained Glass Panel Assembly Description.